UAE calls on the global community to join efforts to instill and maintain human dignity through storytelling

Dignified Storytelling Bangladesh – Nomita Mondal watering mangrove saplings in Pachim Dhangmari, adjacent to Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Banishanta, Dacope, Khulna, Bangladesh. Credit: BEDS Dignified Storytelling Ethiopia – A #SecondChance student in rural Ethiopia reads and does homework at home by candlelight. Credit: Luminos Fund Dignified Storytelling Guatemala – Adolescent girl student eager to take part […]

Les Emirats arabes unis appellent la communauté mondiale à associer ses efforts pour instiller et à maintenir la dignité humaine en racontant des histoires

Dignified Storytelling Bangladesh – Nomita Mondal watering mangrove saplings in Pachim Dhangmari, adjacent to Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Banishanta, Dacope, Khulna, Bangladesh. Credit: BEDS Dignified Storytelling Ethiopia – A #SecondChance student in rural Ethiopia reads and does homework at home by candlelight. Credit: Luminos Fund Dignified Storytelling Guatemala – Adolescent girl student eager to take part […]

Os Emirados Árabes Unidos (EAU) fazem um apelo à comunidade global para que todos possam unir esforços a fim de instigar e manter a dignidade humana por meio da contação de histórias

Dignified Storytelling Bangladesh – Nomita Mondal watering mangrove saplings in Pachim Dhangmari, adjacent to Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Banishanta, Dacope, Khulna, Bangladesh. Credit: BEDS Dignified Storytelling Ethiopia – A #SecondChance student in rural Ethiopia reads and does homework at home by candlelight. Credit: Luminos Fund Dignified Storytelling Guatemala – Adolescent girl student eager to take part […]

Sabin Vaccine Institute Names Richard Adegbola and Yacine Djibo to Board of Trustees

WASHINGTON, May 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) announced that Professor Richard Adegbola and Yacine Djibo have been elected to the Board of Trustees. Professor Adegbola is a microbiologist, public health advocate and professor in Lagos, Nigeria. Ms. Djibo is founder and executive director of Speak Up Africa, a policy and […]

WHR Group Divulga Resultado de Benchmark de Remanejamento de Funcionários

MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), líder na indústria global de remanejamento de funcionários, realizou um estudo de Benchmark de Mobilidade Global pesquisando algumas das maiores empresas dos EUA de várias indústrias. O resultado da pesquisa mostra como as empresas mudaram suas políticas de remanejamento de funcionários, até […]

WHR Group publie ses résultats de référence sur la mutation des employés

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, 25 mai 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), un leader mondial dans le domaine de la mutation des employés à l’échelle mondiale, a mené une étude de référence mondiale sur la mobilité interrogeant certaines des plus grandes entreprises américaines opérant dans une variété de secteurs. Les conclusions mettent en lumière la […]

WHR Group Releases Employee Relocation Benchmark Results

MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, conducted a Global Mobility Benchmark study surveying some of the largest U.S. companies from a variety of industries. Findings shed light on how companies have changed their employee relocation policies, even during 2020 and a pandemic. Respondents included […]