The Moughataa of Chami, located between Nouakchott and Nouadhibou was created in 2013 following a revision of the administrative division which aimed to anticipate the development of urbanization in this area. This moughataa, which was very sparsely inhabited for a long time, began to welcome many people, in particular gold panners and other people working in the gold panning sector. Indeed, with the deposits near the moughataa of Chami, the operating companies settled in the city of Chami which quickly became populated because of the possible economic opportunities arising from the establishment of these companies. As a result, in addition to young Mauritanians, migrants from several countries, particularly in Africa, have settled there in search of better economic opportunities.
However, little information is available on the migratory dynamics and profiles of migrants in Chami, the reasons for their migrations, their future intentions, their living conditions and needs in order to know the migratory dynamics.
Thus, to better understand the socio-demographic characteristics of migrants in Chami and meet the needs in terms of information on these migrant populations in order to better plan and direct programs aimed at providing support to migrants in the gold mining areas, a survey of of a sample of 500 individuals was organized by the National Agency for Statistics and Demographic Analysis (ANSADE), with the financial support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) from December 25, 2021 to January 08, 2022 in the moughataa of Chami in Dakhlett Nouadhibou.
Purpose of the survey
The overall objective of this survey is to meet the data needs for planning, monitoring and evaluating migration programs in Mauritania. Its more specific objectives are:
• Map the presence of migrants present in the moughataa of Chami;
• Identify the profile of migrants in the moughataa of Chami;
• Determine the migration paths of migrants in Chami and their future intentions.
Source: International Organization for Migration