Mauritania: Mobile Population Tracking System (DTM) – Nouakchott Migration Survey, October 2022


Nouakchott, the administrative capital of Mauritania, is home to a quarter of the country’s population. It is characterized by cultural diversity and a rapid increase in its population; which makes it a place of exchange and mobility in perpetual construction, thus concentrating a large part of the country’s economic activities. It has thus become a major destination for workers, welcoming the majority of Mauritania’s migrant population. It is also a transit point for migrants heading for North Africa or Europe.

With this economic and commercial dynamic that the city is experiencing, it was then necessary to obtain statistics on this migrant population, their profiles, their needs and their living conditions in the city. Based on this observation, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in partnership with the National Agency for Statistics and Demographic and Economic Analysis (ANSADE) has implemented several surveys on the presence of migrants in Mauritania since 2019 to collect information on the migrant population in Mauritania in order to obtain a better understanding of the profile of migrants in the country, their migration paths, their living conditions and their needs.

It is in this context that the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the National Agency for Statistics and Demographic and Economic Analysis (ANSADE) have jointly carried out a new profiling of this population in the city from Nouakchott in October 2022.

The purpose of this survey is to determine the profile, vulnerabilities and specific needs of migrant populations in the city, in order to update information on migratory dynamics in Nouakchott. This survey is a continuation of the collaboration between ANSADE and the IOM which led to several surveys of migrants in Nouakchott, Nouadhibou, Chami, Rosso and Sélibabi.


The overall objective of this study is to update information on migration dynamics in Nouakchott by providing a more complete picture and a deeper understanding of the migration phenomenon in Nouakchott in order to meet the data needs on migration in Nouakchott.

More specifically, it was about:

? Identify the profile of migrants in Nouakchott, including their nationalities, socio-economic characteristics, and access to basic services;

? Identify the needs and vulnerabilities of migrants in Nouakchott;

? Determine migratory routes.

Source: International Organization for Migration